Our Services

Physical Therapy


This service is for the injured athlete. This will include treatment for any pain in the spine or joints, return to sport activity, and concussion therapy. Common treatments include manual therapy, joint mobilization, strengthening exercises, neuromuscular re-education, KT taping, spinal manipulation, and dry needling.



This is service is for the uninjured athlete. We provide extra attention to areas that are bothersome. Common treatments include soft tissue work, hands on flexibility/stretching, Normatec compression, scraping, cupping, active release, and muscle energy techniques to allow you to perform to your highest potential.

Injury Prevention


This service is for an uninjured athlete of any sport. This is helpful for those preparing for season to avoid future injuries or reinforce strength in problem areas before competition. This includes balance training, technique correction, resistance training, jumping assessment, and running analysis. Small groups are allowed.

Concussion Therapy


This is for the athlete who has sustained a head injury or concussion which is a subcategory of physical therapy. This will include education on recovery timelines, return to sport guidance, exercises, vestibular techniques, and manual therapy.

Home Exercise Program


This is for anyone who would like to take their care into their own hands with guidance by a physical therapist. This will require an initial evaluation but more independence with exercise program. You can periodically follow up as needed for updates on your home program.



This is for anyone that has a quick question or is not in DFW. This can be a video or phone call including guidance throughout session. In addition, it can be for general consultation of exercises for wellness.